Our Impact

When our founders established The Lake County Community Foundation in 2003, this visionary group recognized Lake County needed a permanent, charitable entity to pool the financial resources of the community to elevate and address the county’s most urgent needs.

True to our beginning, for over 20 years, we have worked to become the center of knowledge of community needs, a strategic resource for the nonprofit sector and a premier partner that donors entrust with their philanthropy.

Our Impact:

Report to the Community

Annually, we share our story via a Report to the Community illustrating our accomplishments and growth for the year.

This is always a great opportunity for us to not only highlight our work, but also to show our gratitude for the incredible donors and our community that makes this work possible. Check out past reports below to see how we have grown through the years!

Coordinating Access to Affordable, Nutritious Food

In 2017, The Lake County Community Foundation (LCCF) launched a 3-year proactive grant making strategy to increase access to affordable, nutritious food across Lake County.

This pilot marked the first time that LCCF had engaged in a multi-year, proactive grant making process. The program was designed to combine strategic community leadership with intentional organizational investment to build a framework to support systems change across Lake County.

Click here to read the full report
Click here to read the executive summary