Build our Basic Human Needs Fund – Grant Making
The Foundation grants to organizations that work collaboratively to address the most basic needs of our residents. We believe Lake County’s basic human needs can be met when everyone has equitable access to:
- Affordable, nutritious food
- Affordable, comprehensive health care
- Safe and affordable housing
- Transportation
- Education and workforce opportunities
- Immigration and legal support services
The Foundation’s goal is to invest in work that allows people who are disproportionately affected by lack of access to obtain support in several areas of extreme need through wrap around services, a continuum of care, or close collaborations with other providers. We support nonprofit partners that:
- Address barriers to access of basic services and benefits for the most vulnerable residents of Lake County
- Address otherwise unmet basic needs as the only service provider in the area
One way to support grant making through our Basic Human Needs Fund is by joining our monthly giving program, the Love Where You Live Club. All funds raised through the Club go directly back to the community through our grant making to support our most vulnerable neighbors’ basic human needs. Or, to make a one-time donation, click HERE!